Convert date from dbf files



I open a dbf file from vba and would like to convert all date to excel
format. Does it is possible to test the dbf column format (ex: Date 8.0) ?
I have try this but doesn't work.
Dim Data As Date
Set rng = wks.Rows(1).Find(DateValue(Data), LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "yyyy/mm/dd;@"

Alex St-Pierre


Workbooks.Open "c:\data.dbf"
Does it exist a function that allow me to know what is the dbf format for a
specific column ? with that, I will be able to ask each column.
Or, does it have a function that keeps the dbf format when you open a dbf
files ?
Thank you.

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