Control Tip



I would like to set up a control tip so that when the user points his mouse
onto the control there an explanation of what he should enter in the control.
I went into the control properties and entered text in the Cont/Tip text but
when I point the mouse onto that control nothing happens.

Can somebody show me how to do that?

Rob Parker

Did you wait long enough for the text to appear? The text entered into a
control's ControlTip Text property does not appear immediately; there is a
delay of a second or so.



Yes I did. But I think it is because I am in a subform that it doesn't work.
It works on the main form.

Rob Parker

In my test database, it doesn't matter where the control is. Even if the
control is in a subform, when you hover the mouse pointer over it for the
appropriate time, the ControlTip Text appears. And I see no reason why this
should depend on whether the control is in the main form or a subform.



Yes I did. But I think it is because I am in a subform that it doesn't work.
It works on the main form.

Check to see if there is some other control (a rectangle, for example)
placed on top of the control. If so, either send the rectangle to the
back or bring the control to the front, i.e. Format + Send to Back or
Bring to Front.

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