Continuous reboot



My XP system started to continuously reboot. I get s far
a loading WinXp but then reverts to the HP Invent splash
screen and starts over. I tried to boot from the install
disk and it reported ACPI.sys corrupted, and that the
startup failed.

How do I repair this?????????

Roger Johnson

Harry Ohrn

Try a Repair Install. This will install XP overtop of itself. You shouldn't
lose any data, programs or program settings however you will have to
reinstall Critical Updates again. Instructions are found under How To Run a
Repair Install found here If
that fails, then reinstall over the top Run Repair Install again) and force
a non-ACPI HAL. You do this by hitting F7 during setup when you see the
message to hit F6 to add 3rd party SCSI drivers. that message is displayed
very early into the initial setup of XP just after the CD boots.


Thanks for the info, but ... I never get to the point
where I can select from Install of Repair! I the the
acpi message at that point! (Also, I have XP Home if
that makes a difference).
-----Original Message-----
Try a Repair Install. This will install XP overtop of itself. You shouldn't
lose any data, programs or program settings however you will have to
reinstall Critical Updates again. Instructions are found under How To Run a
Repair Install found here If
that fails, then reinstall over the top Run Repair Install again) and force
a non-ACPI HAL. You do this by hitting F7 during setup when you see the
message to hit F6 to add 3rd party SCSI drivers. that message is displayed
very early into the initial setup of XP just after the CD boots.


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

Roger said:
My XP system started to continuously reboot. I get s far
a loading WinXp but then reverts to the HP Invent splash
screen and starts over. I tried to boot from the install
disk and it reported ACPI.sys corrupted, and that the
startup failed.

How do I repair this?????????

Roger Johnson


Harry Ohrn

When you boot with the CD you see a message that says 'press any key to boot
CD...' You have 5 seconds to press a key and the CD will begin booting. You
will see a Blue Screen. At the bottom it says Press F6 to load drivers.
Instead of pressing F6 press F7. You won't see anything special happen but
this should force a non-ACPI HAL and installation should proceed.


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

Roger said:
Thanks for the info, but ... I never get to the point
where I can select from Install of Repair! I the the
acpi message at that point! (Also, I have XP Home if
that makes a difference).
-----Original Message-----
Try a Repair Install. This will install XP overtop of itself. You shouldn't
lose any data, programs or program settings however you will have to
reinstall Critical Updates again. Instructions are found under How To Run a
Repair Install found here If
that fails, then reinstall over the top Run Repair Install again) and force
a non-ACPI HAL. You do this by hitting F7 during setup when you see the
message to hit F6 to add 3rd party SCSI drivers. that message is displayed
very early into the initial setup of XP just after the CD boots.


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

Roger said:
My XP system started to continuously reboot. I get s far
a loading WinXp but then reverts to the HP Invent splash
screen and starts over. I tried to boot from the install
disk and it reported ACPI.sys corrupted, and that the
startup failed.

How do I repair this?????????

Roger Johnson



Thanks again. Afeter I press F7 it loads the drivers
(including ACPI) give the windows is starting message and
then fails with a "Stop Screen" with the mssg:
Session3_Initialization_Failed and under Tech info
Any help?
If this is just a corrupted file could I copy it from a
different machine, even if I installed the HD in the
other machine temporarly????
-----Original Message-----
When you boot with the CD you see a message that says 'press any key to boot
CD...' You have 5 seconds to press a key and the CD will begin booting. You
will see a Blue Screen. At the bottom it says Press F6 to load drivers.
Instead of pressing F6 press F7. You won't see anything special happen but
this should force a non-ACPI HAL and installation should proceed.


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

Roger said:
Thanks for the info, but ... I never get to the point
where I can select from Install of Repair! I the the
acpi message at that point! (Also, I have XP Home if
that makes a difference).
-----Original Message-----
Try a Repair Install. This will install XP overtop of itself. You shouldn't
lose any data, programs or program settings however you will have to
reinstall Critical Updates again. Instructions are
under How To Run a
Repair Install found here If
that fails, then reinstall over the top Run Repair Install again) and force
a non-ACPI HAL. You do this by hitting F7 during setup when you see the
message to hit F6 to add 3rd party SCSI drivers. that message is displayed
very early into the initial setup of XP just after the CD boots.


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

My XP system started to continuously reboot. I get s far
a loading WinXp but then reverts to the HP Invent splash
screen and starts over. I tried to boot from the install
disk and it reported ACPI.sys corrupted, and that the
startup failed.

How do I repair this?????????

Roger Johnson



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