Continuous Forms Question


Jeff Garrison

Hello all....this should be simple, but I must be missing something...

I have a continuous form that has a Yes/No check box in each line. I also
have a "Delete Record" button on each line. What I need to do is to have
the On Current (I assume) set up so that if the Yes/No checkbox is checked,
to disable or lock the Delete Record button. I'm using an If...Then do lock
other fields to prevent editing, but can seem to get it right for the
button. I've used DeleteRecord.Visible and DeleteRecord.Enabled, but they
still are enable either way.

What am I missing?


Jeff G

Tom van Stiphout

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:09:05 -0400, "Jeff Garrison"

This one-liner in Form_Current worked for me:
cmdYesNo.Enabled = Me.YesNoField



Hello all....this should be simple, but I must be missing something...

I have a continuous form that has a Yes/No check box in each line. I also
have a "Delete Record" button on each line. What I need to do is to have
the On Current (I assume) set up so that if the Yes/No checkbox is checked,
to disable or lock the Delete Record button. I'm using an If...Then do lock
other fields to prevent editing, but can seem to get it right for the
button. I've used DeleteRecord.Visible and DeleteRecord.Enabled, but they
still are enable either way.

What am I missing?


Jeff G

Check on this aspect of "Continuous forms"

I believe the following is a true statement.
The oncurrent works, except that for formating like what you are
trying will take affect on ALL visible forms, based on the record that
you are sitting on.

If you move to a record that is checked, then ALL the buttons will be
disabled (or whatever).

Probably you will simply have to condition the code under the button
on click event to NOT operate if the box is checked.

if me.chkboxname = False then
........ do what you would have done
end if


Jeff Garrison

Ron -

Thanks for the info...It was a little different route that what I had
anticipated, but works like a charm!



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