Content from Text box to Cell




Lokking for (macro) solution to copy content of Text box to Cell

Example :
From time to time content of Text box is manually changed.
Every time when macro start content of this Text box is copied in cell A1

Norman Jones

Hi eLaCiD,

A textbox from the drawing tools collection?
Public Sub Tester()
Dim TBox As TextBox

Set TBox = ActiveSheet.TextBoxes("Text Box 1")
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value = TBox.Text
End Sub

A Controls Toolbox textbox?


Range("A1").Value = ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Text


What if the text in the box is copied to another worksheet?

I have a tab labeled I-16 where I have a text box (text box 2). I would like
to have the text in the box copied to cell J45 on a tab named 'database'.
Both tabs are on the same workbook.

Also, the text is more than 1,024 characters long, so there may a problem
when it gets copied over to cell J45.

How can I modify the code below to perform this task?


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