Contaxt Menu



Is it possible, need examples, to format the menus?
As in font size and color & background color.



Jeff Johnson [MVP: VB]

Is it possible, need examples, to format the menus?
As in font size and color & background color.

Look at the OwnerDraw property of the MenuItem class in MSDN.

Standard disclaimer: fiddling with the display of menu items is a
non-standard thing and should only be done in certain circumstances.
Displaying a list of fonts, each one in its own font, is a good example of
when this is acceptable. Doing it just to make your menus look "cool" is a
good example of when you should think twice about it. (And on that second
thought, make sure you decide against it....)

Jeff Johnson

Any particular reasons why? Just curious.

Depends on whether you're a professional programmer writing professional
programs or a home-user just screwing around for yourself. Professional
programs should adhere to Windows standards so that users feel comfortable
with them.

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