Contacts - Check box fields do not paste to Excel


Graeme Hart

I have built a custom contact form and custom view that contains check
boxes. When I export (copy/paste) contacts from my custom view to
Excel, the check box fields do not get exported. I've found a few
postings with the same problem, but as yet no solution.

Does anybody have a solution or a work-around?

Thanks for any help,


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook doesn't support exporting custom fields. Quick and dirty method:

1. Put all the items from your form in one folder.
2. Use a table view to display all the data fields that you want to export
to Excel.
3. Choose Edit | Select All.
4. Choose Edit | Copy.
5. Paste to Excel.

Otherwise, you'd have to write custom code or use a third-party application.
See .

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