Contact List



I have now changed to Vista and would like to have my contact list where it
was in Outlook Express?
It was on the left hand side underneath the Inbox/Outbox/sent items etc, and
was very handy
Can anyone help me please?

Thanks in advance for any help


Why is it not possible with windows mail? It was nice of Microsoft to remove
a useful feature on use without giving us the option to put it back. Thanks

I liked it because all i had to do was double click on someones name and i
could instantly create a new email to send out. or i could right click on
their name and click properties and get their contact info such as their
phone number.

Now i have to go through more steps to find this info or create a new email.

When they removed identities, that was a nice feature too. It was convience
to seperate emails to help manage emails from various accounts.

Thanks Microsoft!


Gary VanderMolen

Microsoft did a focus study group, and they discovered that relatively
few people were using the contacts display in OE. I was one of those
who never used it. Microsoft's recommended way for starting a new
email is:
Click Create Mail.
Click To.
Choose recipients.



The thing is though that they didnt have to remove it completely, they could
have just had it hidden by default and then we could have been able to go
into the layout menu and re enable it again if we wanted to use it. But they
didnt do that.

As far as the reccomended way, thats pretty much the only (easiest) way that
i have found to send a new email. Double clicking on the contact name from
the Contact List that was on the left side was much easier that the method
you mention.


Gary VanderMolen

To be sure, Microsoft made quite a few changes in Windows Mail
(compared to OE). We don't know all the reasons, but it is a fact of
life that change happens, not always in the direction that we perceive
as the 'best' way. So, adapt we must. :)

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