Contact Database Incorrect for Laptop Users


Mark Braithwaite


We have noticed a strange occurence with our contact database. Desktop users
are able to search for a contact in the database however the same contact is
not available if a laptop user searches the database.

However if the laptop user opens the account, he is able to see and access
the contact which was previously not available in the general contact

We have set up a shared database using SQL express. All users should have
access to all the contacts. All of the laptops users are online as well.

We would appreciate it if someone could please assist us. We are not sure
what could be causing this.


Raul Thomas

Do the laptops have windows search 4.0 installed ? also does it make any
difference is you toggle between the view setting when attempting the search

Can you provided the operating system details ?


Rahul Thomas [MSFT]

The posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Mark Braithwaite


Thanks for getting back to me. I am not familiar with Windows search. I
assume that this is installed on the Laptops, the Laptops are running Windows
XP and it does not make any difference if I toggle between views.


Raul Thomas said:
Do the laptops have windows search 4.0 installed ? also does it make any
difference is you toggle between the view setting when attempting the search

Can you provided the operating system details ?


Rahul Thomas [MSFT]

The posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Mark Braithwaite said:

We have noticed a strange occurence with our contact database. Desktop
are able to search for a contact in the database however the same contact
not available if a laptop user searches the database.

However if the laptop user opens the account, he is able to see and access
the contact which was previously not available in the general contact

We have set up a shared database using SQL express. All users should have
access to all the contacts. All of the laptops users are online as well.

We would appreciate it if someone could please assist us. We are not sure
what could be causing this.


Luther Blissett


Thanks for getting back to me. I am not familiar with Windows search. I
assume that this is installed on the Laptops, the Laptops are running Windows
XP and it does not make any difference if I toggle between views.


Raul Thomas said:
Do the laptops have windows search 4.0 installed ? also does it make any
difference is you toggle between the view setting when attempting the search
Can you provided the operating system details ?
Rahul Thomas [MSFT]
The  posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

- Show quoted text -

I know that BCM/Outlook search is integrated in some way with Windows
Desktop Search. It comes with Vista, but need to be downloaded and
installed on Xp.

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