Consolidate data to summary sheet



I'm sure this is an easy task, but I'm not sure where to start.

I have a workbook with a number of worksheets. The number of sheets will
increase over time.

I need to produce a sheet combining certain columns from all the other
sheets. How can I do this?

eg On sheet "Summary", starting on row 2 I need the data from sheet "John
Smith" columns A:D row 2 to the last occupied row. Under this data on
"Summary" I need the equivalent data from sheet "Tom Jones" etc.

I hope this is clear.


for each sht in Thisworkbook.sheets
if <> "Summary" then
SumLastRow = Sheets("Summary").Range("A" & Rows.Count).end(xlup).Row
SumNewRow = SumLastRow + 1
ShtLastRow = sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).end(xlup).Row
sht.Range("A2:D" & ShtLastRow).copy _
destination:=Sheets("Summary").Range("A" & SumNewRow)
end if
next sht

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