Connection problem



I have the following code in a web form which use a connection to SQL Server
2000. I use this form to display a list of products from a table. The
connection string to the database server is stored in web.config file.

public partial class VizualizareProduse : System.Web.UI.Page
protected SqlConnection con;//conexiunea spre baza de date

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (IsPostBack == false)

string ConnectionString =
con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);



catch (Exception eExecutie)
//capturam erorile ce apar




after this page is load and the line of code con.Close() is parsed the
connection to the databse server still remain open ???Why??? I tried to
eliminate the object from memory with con.Dispose(); The connection still
remain open. (This is very confused to me. Sql Server still see the
connection in Current activity node enen if I click the refresh option from
the dropdown menu)

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you very much for your time,

Norman Yuan

By default, Connection pool is enabled in ADO.NET. When your code cn.Close()
or cn.Dispose() is executed, the connection is not actaull closed, it is
handed back to the connection pool. The connection pool is actaully
cloing/opening connection if needed. Connection pooling makes database
access from application, especially ASP.NET application scalable. Google for
"Connection Pooling" gives you tons of link to study :).

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