Connecting to Another Computer



I have an XP computer that I'm trying to connect to. I click start > run
"computer's IP address\c$". Then I get prompted for a User name + Password.
I try logging in with an account that is setup on the machine and the
Administrator's account, but either work. I try using the ip
address\administrator and just administrator as the user name. The firewall
is turned off and in the Local security policy > Users Right assignment >
Access this computer for the network > everyone and administrators is

Why can't I connect to the computer's hard drive?


have you right clicked 'my computer', selected 'remote' and ticked 'allow
others to remotely connect to this computer' on the PC you are trying to



Passwordless accounts can't connect over the net. Try assigning a password
to the account you're using to connect remotely. If you have already done
that then try inputing the username in this format: computername\username
You can also try "net use \\computername\c$ /username:computername\username
password" from the command line.


The accounts I'm using have passwords. When I try loging on with
computername\logon-name it doesn't help either.

Is this some kind of rights or policy issue? I'm stumped.


This is happening on all our XP machines. With our Windows 2000 machines,
this works fine.

I don't get an error when I click on start > run \\computername\c$, it just
keeps asking for a user name and password. When I'm at the cmd prompt and
type net use w: \\computername\c$ /user:computername\ID password, I get
"system error 1326 has occureed - Logon failure: unknow users name or bad
password". I know the user name & password are correct. I have even tried
to connect to different XP computer from a fourth computer and I get the
same results.


Fritz, someone figured it out for me. I needed to disable "simple file
sharing" in Explorer > tools > folder options > view tabs (bottom of list).

Thanks for all your help.

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