connect to a network share



I have a win XP Pro laptop machine. My issue is I cannot connect to the
network share using the UNC path (\\server name\share name). It was working
before but not now. Other computers are able to connect OK. The error message
says that the network path does not exist. What could be the issue?

Joe Grover

Can you ping the server by its name (ping servername)?

If not, try connecting using the IP address (\\x.x.x.x\share name). If that
works fine you just have a DNS/WINS/Hosts issue.



On 5/2/2007 12:36 PM On a whim, Tigger pounded out on the keyboard
I have a win XP Pro laptop machine. My issue is I cannot connect to the
network share using the UNC path (\\server name\share name). It was working
before but not now. Other computers are able to connect OK. The error message
says that the network path does not exist. What could be the issue?

Can you ping the server?

Did the Administrator change your rights possibly? Are you logging in as
the same user?


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Jack Doyle

It sounds to me like it might be a lookup issue. Try pinging the server
by name and by ip address and see if either fails. Also, try connecting
to the server with the ip address. Instead of \\servername\sharename,
try \\ipaddress\sharename and see if you can connect that way.


If the laptop was part of the workgroup instead of the domain, does it still
use DNS or does it use WINS or what does it use?

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