Confusing problem with page_unload loading listbox


VB Programmer

I have a listbox which is filled based on the results of a user control
(which acts as a "data filter" uc).

Page_Load of my main aspx page runs.
- Code is run which populates the listbox, but since the user control
doesn't have data yet, ALL data is shown
Page_Load of my user control runs.
- User control "filters" are populated
Page_Unload of my main aspx page runs.
- Code is run which populates the listbox based on the filters

I can trace the code and it follows this sequence, but by the time my page
is finished running the listbox shows ALL data still. Any ideas? I DO
clear the listbox before I populate it.

I have a button called 'Refresh' which forces the repopulation of the
listbox. Clicking on this button manually provides the expected results.
In Page_Unload I'm basically calling "cmdRefresh_Click(sender, e)".


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