confused. Please help.



I'm very new at excel. trying to self learn. I've read many post regarding
times. I not sure if i'm seeing the answers i'm looking for. I do security
patrols. I am looking for a way to calculate how long a patrol takes. I'm
explain what i'm looking for.
First: is there a way to just click on a cell and have the now time appear.
Then click on a 2nd cell, and have the now time appear without changing the
1st time. Then have the total automaticly add.

Arrive Clear Total
22:35 22:55 20min
23:45 00:55 1:10

It needs to be able to add past midnight.

If anyone can help i would really appreciate it.


Thanks for your response. I guess i'm too new. How do i get to the place to
type the format? Hope u have pactience.

Mike H

No problem, plenty of patience.

Put the formula in a cell and hit Enter.
Select the cell again and then

Select the 'Number' tab and click on 'Custom'
Double click in the 'Type' box and then type
Click OK and your done.


Dave Jones

Mike said:
No problem, plenty of patience.

Put the formula in a cell and hit Enter.
Select the cell again and then

Select the 'Number' tab and click on 'Custom'
Double click in the 'Type' box and then type
Click OK and your done.


Hi Mike,
sorry to hijack this thread but I also am trying to self learn Excel.
So, I'm also interested in accomplishing what the OP has asked to have
done. If I follow your process, in Excel 2007 I have the option under
Number Custom Type of only h:mm, not hh:mm. I assume this to not be a
problem. When my cell is formatted in this manner my result is 0:00. If
I change the formatting to h:mm AM/PM my result is 12:00. I think what
the OP is looking for (correct me if I'm wrong) is to be able to click
in a cell and have the current time shown, then click in another cell at
a later time and have that current time shown, then have the difference
between the first time and the last time be calculated in another cell.
I don't see how what you are proposing will do this. If I'm doing
something wrong or have misinterpreted the original requirement, let me know

Rick Rothstein

While the Custom Format has some "suggested" custom formats, you can still
add your own by typing them into the Type field above that listing, which is
what Mike was directing to be done with this statement...

"Double click in the 'Type' box and then type hh:mm"

Dave Jones

Rick said:
While the Custom Format has some "suggested" custom formats, you can
still add your own by typing them into the Type field above that
listing, which is what Mike was directing to be done with this statement...

"Double click in the 'Type' box and then type hh:mm"

OK, so that's how one would format the number in the cell. I'm
interested if it's possible to click in the cell and have it result in
the current time.

Rick Rothstein

There is nothing built in to do that, and while we could come up with
something similar in VB, the easiest way to enter the current time (rounded
down to the nearest minute which is what the OP showed) in a cell is to key
in Ctrl+Shift+; (that is, the Control key plus the Shift key plus the
semi-colon key).

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