Confused on what program to use....



I have Media Center pre-installed when I purchased my computer....I decided
to obtain TV tuner/capture card which was also installed by my computer
manufacture(theatrix 550 pro mad by ATI),,when I got the computer back,,I had
a new program also put in by my manufacutre(Cyberlink Power Cinema
the promblem I have is that both programs(Media Center and Power Cinema)
both do the same thing(watch TV,record TV,radio etc.)...
My promblem is that do I need to keep both programs or can I delete the
Power Cinema program (don't want both programs) ...If I delete this
program,will it screw up my Media Center(remember,Power Cinema was installed
with Tv tuner card),,

I don't know if I could do this(delete program) and still be
PLEASE HELP1111111111111LOSt


why not keep both and see what works best?

i can't imagine they take up a huge amount of space (especially if you've
got a media centre pc).

you can always keep the application installed and move/delete the icon from
the desktop or startmenu. you can then always recreate it if you need it.
seriously, if its working its probably best to leave it be, just in case it
breaks something.

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