Conflict Of Macros In Worksheet



Good Evening All,

I seem to have a conflict of macros in a single worksheet.
I have a simple event change that inserts todays date when 't' is entered:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Range("AK:AK"), Target) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "t" Then
Target.Value = Format(Now, "mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss")

End If
End If
End Sub

This seems to work fine, however I have another pice of code, which is attached to
a button and inserts rows:

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

' InsertRowsAboveTotals()
' InsertRowsAndFillFormulas(Optional vRows As Long)
'Dim vRows As Integer
'Dim irow As Long, i As Long
' row selection based on "Totals" cell
Columns("G:G").Find(What:="total", After:=Range("G2"), LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False).Offset(-2, 0).Activate
If vRows <> 1 Then
vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
"Enter Number Of Rows To Insert." & vbNewLine & _
"Or 'OK' For Default 10 Rows." & vbNewLine & _
"Or 'Cancel'.", _
Title:="Add Rows", Default:="")
End If
If vRows = False Then Exit Sub
If vRows = "" Then
vRows = 10

End If
Selection.Resize(rowsize:=2).Rows(2).EntireRow. _
Resize(rowsize:=vRows).Insert Shift:=xlDown

Selection.AutoFill Selection.Resize( _
rowsize:=vRows + 1), xlFillDefault

On Error Resume Next
'to handle no constants in range to remove the non-formulas
Selection.Offset(1).Resize(vRows).EntireRow. _
irow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Activate
End Sub

Now, when I try to use the button to insert rows, I get a type mismatch error
on the line of code (change_event):

If Target = "t" Then

This is diving me bonkers.

Any help here from VBA experts would be very very welcome

Yours, with no hair left,


Jim Rech

Without having tried to understand the CommandButton1_Click macro completely
I would suggest that you add:

Application.EnableEvents = False

to it near the beginning and reverse this at the end. With events disabled
the Worksheet_Change code will not be called when you click the button.


Dear Jim,
Thank you so much.
Thanks also to Harald for similar response, and detail of defining the Target -
I got your response via developers dex.
Many Best Wishes,

Without having tried to understand the CommandButton1_Click macro completely
I would suggest that you add:

Application.EnableEvents = False

to it near the beginning and reverse this at the end. With events disabled
the Worksheet_Change code will not be called when you click the button.

Harald Staff

You're welcome Mathew. Hope it's of help.
Every added piece of knowledge raises at least two new questions, so the more we learn the
less we know. ;-)
Good luck, and happy holidays.

Best wishes Harald
Followup to newsgroup only please.

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