"conflict" noted in publish web dialogue window



In publish web dialogue window, my revised web pages have a question mark and
"conflict" noted for approx.90% of all the files ready for publishing. How do
I fix this problem?

I have checked for any problems using: view-reports-problems-unlinked
files-broken hyperlinks-and compoent errors. All views show no problems or
conflicts with my new revised web pages.

Thank you


Conflict means that as far as FrontPage can tell from the meta data
available in the extensions, files in the local *and* remote sites have been
changed without being published from one site to the other.

If you are certain that the site you are publishing from is completely up to
date, then publish and choose to overwrite the remote site. Otherwise, open
both sites in FrontPage and compare the conflicting files side by side.

You may wish to Publish all pages from the up to date site, and this may
bring both sites back into synch.

Andrew Murray

All it means is some files are "out of synch" e.g. if you edited a file on the
server remotely, this won't update the same file that may exist on your local
machine therefore the "conflict" is in this context is that a later version of
the file exists on the server and an earlier version on your local machine.

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