Confirming Collections Plan



Since editing is art, I'm never quite done with a movie, but I don't
trust my machine to be ready to start editing the movie I last worked
on 6 months ago (i.e. maybe the machine gets reformatted, or whatever).
So I want to confirm that an improvised collections export process,
for which a formal versino seems to have been left out of this version,
will work.

When I burn the video DVD, I put a data folder with the raw footage,
stills, and audio on the DVD as well. Even with that, if I wanted it
bad enough, I could re-create the movie, but I didn't want to loose all
of the work I've done with the collections. So if I also save the
MEDIATAB?.DAT file on the DVD, woud I be able to 'reconstitute' the
project, complete with collections, on my reformatted machine? I
realize that the "old" collections that I would copy into the
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Movie Maker\ folder would wipe out my current one if I
didn't back it up outside of this location first. But accepting that I
would be in a "collections database swap mode", would this work? Is
there anything in the DAT file that WMM2 would see as "foreign" and
"reject the transplant"?

BTW, I've read and think I understand most of what I found here:, but that
application is slightly different, and I'm not serious enough about
this to install MM1 just for managing collections. But papajohn's
discussion is similar enough to make me think what I plan will work,
but it doesn't hurt to get a nod from those that really know what they
are doing!


PapaJohn \(MVP\)

you're on track.... just want to emphasize the collection database is
totally independent of the project file (and vice-versa).... with the
project and source files, you could pick up on the editing and go forward
even if the collection database was empty.

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