Configuring Outlook 2007 to open a specific email



I have Windows Vista Premium and I have been trying to configure Outlook to
open only one of my email addresses at a time. I printed off the create &
configure article but one big problem - my control panel doesn't have a mail
icon. Where would I go to configure my outlook?


If you have configured several email accounts, under one profile, they will
all be available when outlook is started


Pressed a wrong key :(

If you have configured several email accounts under one Outlook Profile they
will all be available when you start outlook under that profile.
Control Panel >Classic View to see Mail Applet.
If you configure seperate profiles for each individual mail account you
would have to close Outlook & restart it under the other Profile, you cannot
swap as in Outlook Express
Outlook 2007 can be configured for sperate data files and folders for each
mail account, see
Directly assign the account a Folder Set


My problem is that I don't have the mail applet in my control panel! I can't
go to Profiles and tell outlook to open email accounts separately. I have my
email accounts setup with different email addresses. How do I fix this - so
I can see the Mail applet in the Control Panel or is there a problem with my
Windows Vista?


Outlook is set as your default mail program? (Internet options)
You've enabled Classic View for Control Panel?
If Vista 64 bit there is another Control Panle option; View 32 bit Control
Panel items


I always use classic view - I like it better. Did a little bit of searching
on control panel problems and found that May 2008 there were fixes for
missing applets in the control panel. I just purchased this computer in June
2009 - so the vista program that was installed doesn't have the fixes applied
by the looks of it. I shouldn't have to worry about doing fixes for a
problem that is a year old!!!! I'll try the fix and if it doesn't correct
the problem Microsoft will be call and I will not be charged.

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