Configuration service providers



Hi everybody.
I'm trying to set up a gprs connection programmatically. Reading msdn
documentation, tha way to follow seems to be to use CSPs
(configuration service providers).

If I try to create a GPRS connection, using the following xml string,
I get an error code. Here's the string:

<characteristic type="CM_GPRSEntries">
<characteristic type="myGPRS">
<parm name="DestId" value="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}" />
<parm name="DeviceName" value="Bluetooth" />
<parm name="Phone" value="#99*" />
<parm name="SwCompression" value="1" />
<parm name="IpHeaderCompression" value="1" />
<characteristic type="DevSpecificCellular">
<parm name="BearerInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name="GPRSInfoValid" value="1" />
<parm name="GPRSInfoProtocolType" value="2" />
<parm name="GPRSInfoL2ProtocolType" value="PPP" />
<parm name="GPRSInfoAccessPointName" value="" />
<parm name="GPRSInfoDataCompression" value="1" />
<parm name="GPRSInfoHeaderCompression" value="1" />

I use this string with the function DMProcessConfigXML. The function
and the wrapper works, because with another configuraiton string(not
about GPRS) everything works fine. So the problem seems to be
somewhere in the string.

(the msdn reference is the following link:

The error code doesn't help to understand what's wrong in that xml
string... Anyone can help?


Alex Feinman [MVP]

Create a connection manually and run this query (via code or using
<characteristic-query type="CM_GPRSEntries" mwid="1"/>

This will dump the configuration for you to compare. My guess is that you
are missing <parm name="DeviceType" value="xxx"/>


Thanks Alex.
if I add the deviceType line in the xml file, the result is the
same... error.
And if I try to dump my configuration as you wrote with rapiconfig,
after creating a connection manually,I get the following output:

- <wap-provisioningdoc>
<nocharacteristic type="CM_GPRSEntries" mwid="1" />

no way to get out of this trouble...


One more thing in addition to the answer i posted before:
I tried to use configuration service providers on both Ipaq 5550 and
Intermec 740... on both devices, the same problems.

Could it be a problem of the device itself? with which devices did you
use successfully those CSP queries?

Thanks for your answer.

Alex Feinman [MVP]

I used it primarily on the smartphones. I wonder if your PPC does not use
these. Is it a Phone Edition? Which language?

Alex Feinman [MVP]

I suspect that on non-phone devices this CSP does not exist. That would be
my guess.


I think you're right. I tried to use the CM_GPRSEntries CSP on a Qtek
phone edition 2003, everything works fine.
iPAQ gives instead always the same error, Config failed (0x80004005):
Unspecified error.

Now I wonder, isn't there any other way to _completely_ set up a GPRS
connection programmatically? CSP seemed to be the final way, I can't
understand why it's limited to phone edition ppc!!
I tried even some registry hack, but there is no way...

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