


How do you properly add a new config.sys & autoexec.bat
file to W2K Pro where they presently don't exist?
Can the two files be copied over from another PC?

Thank you.


Why do you want to use these old out dated files ?? use
group policies via active directory.


I think you can create one in C:\windows\system32 ??? do
a search for "running dos apps" in the knowledge base.

David H. Lipman

You need to edit CONFIG.NT and AUTOEXEC.NT to create the environment that will run under
the command prompt that runs the DOS program.


| I need the files for a DOS database called DataEase.
| Can you assist?
| Thanks.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Why do you want to use these old out dated files ?? use
| >group policies via active directory.
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>How do you properly add a new config.sys & autoexec.bat
| >>file to W2K Pro where they presently don't exist?
| >>Can the two files be copied over from another PC?
| >>
| >>Thank you.
| >>
| >>
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >


Do I need to rename each file or leave it with the NT
extension? Do I need to move each file from the system32
folder to the root?

-----Original Message-----
You need to edit CONFIG.NT and AUTOEXEC.NT to create the
environment that will run under

David H. Lipman


You need to EDIT the files that exist and leave the .NT extension. This is not Win9x/ME
this is how NT based systems work.


| Do I need to rename each file or leave it with the NT
| extension? Do I need to move each file from the system32
| folder to the root?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >You need to edit CONFIG.NT and AUTOEXEC.NT to create the
| environment that will run under
| >the command prompt that runs the DOS program.
| >
| >Dave
| >
| >
| >
| message
| >| >| I need the files for a DOS database called DataEase.
| >| Can you assist?
| >| Thanks.
| >|
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >Why do you want to use these old out dated files ?? use
| >| >group policies via active directory.
| >| >>-----Original Message-----
| >| >>How do you properly add a new config.sys &
| autoexec.bat
| >| >>file to W2K Pro where they presently don't exist?
| >| >>Can the two files be copied over from another PC?
| >| >>
| >| >>Thank you.
| >| >>
| >| >>
| >| >>.
| >| >>
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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