conditional formatting excel 2007



i see on the conditional formatting that there is a place to click and it
says highlight cell rules and then it says a date occurring
my problem is that the date occurring only goes up to a month but i need it
to go up to a year
is there a way i can do a year on this

if this is not possible can you please let me know


I can't offer a solution but I can try to explain why it is so.

The c/f you describe only goes up to a month because it is envisaged that
the c/f would be used to highlight an event that is due to occur soon (the
options give you from yesterday up to a month as you know). If you are
trying to, say, select renewal dates from a list of dates which cover a
longish period, perhaps 10 years could you not use the "sort" facility and
then select the relevant rows? Just an idea.

There will be a way round it but I can't offer anything without more info
about what you are doing.

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