Condit Format? Make date change colors



love excell but still so much i dont know, can some smarty out there please

i am using excell to track tasks to be done. i have a column of "due dates"
and would like that when i open the file each day for the items that are due
that day or prior to display in red bold. would that be done through
conditional formatting?

i got it to do it with a static date but not change on a daily basis as the
date changes.

make sense? can anyone help??

T. Valko

Try this:

Assume your dates are in the range A1:A10

Select the range A1:A10
Goto the menu Format>Conditional Formatting
Formula Is: =AND(ISNUMBER(A1),A1<=TODAY())
Click the Format button
Select the Font tab
Select Bold and Red
OK out



thanks for replying to BOTH my Qs, I will take a stab at these later today,
certainly sounds like something I would have never figured out.

these seems like such complex formulas for me, but extremely smart, is there
any good place to get an overview or tips on formulas like these? the
possibilities in excell seem rather endless but you need to know how to build
the right formulas.

thank you again!


sorry - another Q. so i did try this & it works! my issue is that i can get
this to work on a whole new tab of data but not on my existing data tab. i
went through and deleted any existing condit formats & tried to implement
again and it still wont work. any thoughts on why? something is blocking it
from working but i dont know what...


T. Valko

is there any good place to get an overview or
tips on formulas like these?

How about *this place* !

If you're wanting to gain more knowledge about formulas this forum is better
than any book or class. Here, you get exposed to "real world" problems.


David Biddulph

If you're having trouble with a formula, why not try breaking it down into
manageable chunks until you find the problem?
You've got a formula =AND(ISNUMBER(A1),A1<=TODAY()) in conditional
formatting, so try putting that in a separate cell to see whether you get
TRUE or FALSE, and then break it down and look at =ISNUMBER(A1), and at
=(A1<=TODAY()). If you need to go another stage, look at =A1, and if
necessary look at that with different formats.
One possibility is that when you think you are looking at dates you are
actually looking at text.

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