


I have four columns to combine and I use the concatenate function. One of my
columns has either 3,4 or 5 characters. When I concatenate, there are spaces
in the middle of the end product.

How do I get those spaces to disappear in column 1? I can't just set the
length of the column to 3 or 4 or 5 characters because I need that varied
length. I just don't want the spaces at the end.

Ron Coderre

A1: "Alpha "
B1: "Bravo "
C1: "Charlie "
(all without the quotes, of course)

This formula scrubs the spaces from the end result:
D1: =SUBSTITUTE(A1&B1&C1," ","")

In that example, it returns "AlphaBravoCharlie"

Does that help?


Microsoft MVP (Excel)
(XL2003, Win XP)

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