Concatenate Help


Big UT Fan

I can't seem to get concatenate to work. I've tried even very simple
attempts. Such as text in A1 and B1 and entering this function into C1
=CONCATENATE(A1, B1)/ C1 will have nothing in it. I try using
=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A1), TEXT(B1))...nothing. I try =A1 & B1 with the same
results...nothing. What am I doing wrong?


If there is text in A1 and text in B1 and C1 has the formula
=CONCATENATE(A1,B1) then C1 should have the two texts concatenated. I just
did it (again) and it worked (again).

Big UT Fan

That's why I'm confused. This is a simple function. But I've tried it
in different worksheets and my different methods but it does NOT work for me.
I'm using Excel 2003 but I'd still expect this to work. Anyone have any


Big UT Fan

I left out an important bit of information. I'm trying to perform the the
CONCATENATE into a cell in worksheet X from 2 cells in worksheet Y. Fyi,
after activating my version the basic concat works but this still doesn't.
Here's what I try to do and the result. I've also used the function wizard
just to see what result was "supposed" to be stored in A1.

Worksheet X, Cell A1 =CONCATENATE('Y'!B1,"/",'Y'!C1)

The value in A1 will be "=CONCATENATE('Y'!B1,"/",'Y'!C1)".

Can this even be done? I'm totally confused.


Be carefull when inserting links to other sheets. Better way then type the
formula is clicking on cells u want to concatenate. Assuming ur sheet name is
Sheet Y, proper syntax is: =CONCATENATE('worksheet Y'!A1,"/",'worksheet Y'!B1)

if ur sheet is called Y, then syntax is different =CONCATENATE(Y!A1,"/",Y!B1)

I put slash in between, u can replace it by other string.

Finally, u do not need concatenate after all, can do the same with:

='worksheet Y'!A1&"/"&'worksheet Y'!B1)



depending of how ur Y sheet is named.


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