Computer sticks !



While playing Runescape and having a music CD in the drive, they both stick
and studder or some would say that the skips like a old time broken record !
Without the music CD playing the game sticks but says its downloading then
starts right back up.

Any Ideas ?

Gateway C6537, Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 3, 2.20
gigahertz AMD Athlon 64, 2048 Megabytes Memory, 250 Gig Hard Drive Capacity
(213 Gig Free), NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT


sixpack said:
While playing Runescape and having a music CD in the drive, they both stick
and studder or some would say that the skips like a old time broken record !
Without the music CD playing the game sticks but says its downloading then
starts right back up.

Any Ideas ?

Gateway C6537, Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 3, 2.20
gigahertz AMD Athlon 64, 2048 Megabytes Memory, 250 Gig Hard Drive Capacity
(213 Gig Free), NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT

Does Runescape have tech support ?

Does the game have known issues ?

I read the Wikipedia article, and it says the game is Java based,
and may be using a Java version of OpenGL to accelerate rendering.

But just about anything could be going on.

Does your computer ever exhibit a freezing problem when not
playing the game ? If it did, that might give you some idea
whether the problem is related to just Runescape, or is a general
problem for the computer.

When is the last time you updated Java ? Java has vulnerabilities,
and must be kept updated. On the other hand, the Runescape game
developers probably have their favorite version of Java which
they recommend. If you're allowed to, I'd check into whether
the version of Java can be upgraded.

If the game "says its downloading", I would take a look at the
network light to see if that is true or not.

If Runescape has a forum, I'd search against that forum contents,
and see if there is any mention of the "downloading" message.
Maybe someone in their forums has already seen it happen.

When you play the game, is it possible to access a "Java console" ?
If the game were to print any error messages, they might be directed
to a "console" window.


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