computer slow then clicking on "my computer"



The other day I was online and my computer just locked up, I was on the
internet. I restarted the computer and after that it acted fine, until I
clicked on the "my computer" icon on the desk to it took about 10 mins for
find everything. The have tried everything I know and its still taking for
ever to load it. Can someone help me out here, I"m good with computers but I
have never seem this type of problem before. Thanks for your time if you can




Is there an Event Viewer Error report?

Have a look in the System and Application logs in Event Viewer for
Errors and Warnings and post copies here. Don't post any more than 48
hours ago.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Control Panel,
Administrative Tools, and Event Viewer. When researching the meaning
of the error, information regarding Event ID, Source and Description
are important.

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Right click on the Report in
the list and select Properties. In the window, which appears are three
buttons towards the top right of the window. The top one has an arrow
up, underneath is an arrow down and third is a button resembling two
pages. Click the button and close Event Viewer. It is not obvious but
this action places a copy of the report in your Clipboard. Now start
your message (email) and do a paste into the body of the message. Make
sure this is the first paste after exiting from Event Viewer.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


The other day I was online and my computer just locked up, I was on the
internet. I restarted the computer and after that it acted fine, until I
clicked on the "my computer" icon on the desk to it took about 10 mins for
find everything. The have tried everything I know and its still taking for
ever to load it. Can someone help me out here, I"m good with computers but I
have never seem this type of problem before. Thanks for your time if you can

Some thoughts/questions (if it happens again or repeatably)...
1. Was your hard drive light on solid? If so, something is really
thrashing your hard drive. #2 may help you find out what it is. If
not, then it's just in some kind of long wait mode.
2. Can you type control-shift-escape and bring up the CPU plot and
processes list? If so, sort on CPU time and see if anything is going
3. Do you have any drive letters mapped to network drives?
4. Are there any peripherals that it may be waiting for responses
from. Sometimes my web cam doesn't respond promptly but I'll get a
"switch to.../retry" error - it doesn't just hang.
Good luck,


*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.
They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste
your time.

Chris, Stalking via the internet is a crime, it also shows people that
you are an unethical and dishonest person.



The description of a Troll in the link fits the MVP imposter to a tee.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Yes I have tryed a system restore and it said that no chages have been made.
I have not done a malware scan. What would i use to scan for it. I have also
run a pio mode reset, and its still doing the same thing


What is your anti-virus programme?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

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