computer running slow



I was running windows 2000 and when I went to upgrade to xp I chose clean
install instead of upgrade. After xp went thru the process I got error
messages about
000.000.000 or something similar to that and I couldn't restart computer
again - the blue screen would appear. I decided to reformat & repartition the
hard drive and reinstall both 2000 and upgrade to xp. The problem is now I
can do both but the computer is like running in slow motion and takes
forever. I believe something changed on my hard drive and I would like to get
my hard drive back to factory default but tech help didn't do it.

Any help would be great

Shenan Stanley

computer101 said:
I was running windows 2000 and when I went to upgrade to xp I chose
clean install instead of upgrade. After xp went thru the process I
got error messages about
000.000.000 or something similar to that and I couldn't restart
computer again - the blue screen would appear. I decided to
reformat & repartition the hard drive and reinstall both 2000 and
upgrade to xp. The problem is now I can do both but the computer is
like running in slow motion and takes forever. I believe something
changed on my hard drive and I would like to get my hard drive back
to factory default but tech help didn't do it.

Hmmm - part that makes no sense:

"... decided to reformat & repartition the hard drive and reinstall both
2000 and upgrade to xp. The problem is now I can do both ..."

Do both as in boot to both or?

Do a true clean install. Use the Windows XP CD to boot and install Windows
XP from scratch - it will ask for qualifying media and you just need to
insert your Windows 2000 CD at that time to prove you are eligible for the
upgrade edition to continue the installation. When you install Windows XP
fresh - delete all the partitions and create new ones. Format them NTFS.
Hopefully you already have all the Windows XP drivers (chipset, network
card, video card, sound card, modem, controller card if needed, etc)
downloaded to a CD or something so you can install them next - without
connecting to the Internet. Before you ever connect to the Internet -
ensure the Windows XP Firewall is on (and better even - be behind a
NAT/router device.) Then connect to and
download all critical updates (not drivers and I do not suggest you get
Media Player 11 or Internet Explorer 7 at this time - let your system prove
itself to you first.) Get your antivirus software installed and follow that
with some antispyware immunizations (passive) and then start installing your
other applications and be sure you have all the free patches they have
available from their individual web pages.

Give us the memory and CPU specs on your system at least - hard drive space
would be good to know as well.

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