computer randomly boots


Nick Guillaume

My computer resets randomly, I switch it to where it shows
blue screen sayin stop xxx not sure exactly. Ill tell u
next time but when i reset and goes to desktop the error is
"BCCode: 1000008e BCP1: C0000005 BCP@: 00000000 BCP#:
BCP4: 00000000 OSVer: 5_1_2600 SP: 1_0 Product: 256_1"

I have windows xp pro Anthlonxp 2000+ 512mb ram i checked
for viruses and spybots deleted and scandisk, defrag. Any
answers to this madness???Thank u

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

It would help to know the entire blue screen message. If it's not stopping
at the message do the following. By default, XP is set to reboot on errors,
sometimes you can see a brief glimpse of a blue screen message but it
usually goes by to fast to see. Open Control Panel, open System, go to the
Advanced tab, click settings under startup and recovery, remove the check
from automatically restart under System failure and click ok. Now, instead
of restarting the system will blue screen, the message on the screen may
give a clue as to the source of the issue.

Open Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, open Event Viewer, look for
errors that correspond to when the problem occurs, double click the error,
the information contained within may give a clue as to the source of the

Assuming you have an XP CD as opposed to a recovery CD, place the CD in the
drive, when the setup screen appears, select "Check System Compatibility."
The report it generates may point to problem hardware or software on your
system that might be the source of the issue.

Be sure your drivers are up to date, especially for your graphics card and
soundcard and all peripherals connected to the system. Do not use Windows
Update for this, go to the device manufacturer's web sites. If you install
updated drivers, ignore any message about the driver being unsigned by
Microsoft. Out of date, corrupted or incompatible drivers are the most
frequent cause of the type of issue you describe.

Nick Guillaume

I opened the error in the event viewer and it says "Error
code 1000008e, parameter 1 c0000005, parameter2 00000000,
parameter3 ee0acf80, parameter4 00000000" u know what this
means??? Ill give u the exact message as soon as it turns
blue. thanx

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Unfortunately, that's not very revealing. Perhaps the blue screen will be
of greater help, don't forget to run the compatibility check I suggested.
If you don't have an actual XP CD, it can be downloaded from the following
It's called the Upgrade Advisor and if you have any problem hardware or
software, it should find it:
It's quite large so if you have access to a broadband connection, it might
be best to use that for the download.

If it turns up clean, be sure to check your drivers as I suggested and
also, run a virus scan, making sure your antivirus program is up to date
before you run the scan.

Also, sometimes spyware can be the source of such issues. Download, install
and run Ad Aware:

Nick Guillaume

Ok well the blue screen came up and the error goes like this
STOP: 0x0000008E (oxcooooo1D, 0xbce247E0, 0xf85d5668,
0x00000000) any answers what this means???

Nick Guillaume

Had another blue screen of death ahhhh like lesss than 10
minutes after a little bit different here STOP: 0X0000008E
(0Xc0000005, 0XBF891AF7, 0XEE1B64C8, 0X00000000)
win32k.sys-Address BF891AF7 base at BF800000, Datestamp
ANY CLUE??????

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Errors such as you are reporting are almost always due to some hardware
issue. You either have some conflict or need to update your drivers or you
have some device that is not compatible or misbehaving. Unless the device
or driver is specified and it is not, you can only source it by trial and
error. You can try the upgrade advisor as previously posted as that might
point to an issue. The only thing I can say about that is don't rule it out
if it points to software as opposed to hardware and as such, might still be
haredware related such a software for a scanner or CD-RW drive.

You have a lot of information in this thread about what to do,
unfortunately, finding the source of this type of issue is trial and error
as I stated above.

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