Computer Locks up when have Microsoft Opticalwheel Mouse plugged i



I made a mistake and loaded Intellipoint 4.1 when I installed the new mouse.
The computer gets to the Windows XP screen with the scrolling bar, and locks
up at that point. If I unplug the USB or S/P mouse prior to starting the
computer, it will then load properly. Once I reach the desktop, I plug in the
mouse and it works fine. I have tried Logitec too, which also locks up the
computer. I am thinking that the Intellipoint did something to the registry.
I installed the most current version of Intellipoint, which did not help.

Doug Kanter

Steve said:
I made a mistake and loaded Intellipoint 4.1 when I installed the new
The computer gets to the Windows XP screen with the scrolling bar, and
up at that point. If I unplug the USB or S/P mouse prior to starting the
computer, it will then load properly. Once I reach the desktop, I plug in
mouse and it works fine. I have tried Logitec too, which also locks up the
computer. I am thinking that the Intellipoint did something to the
I installed the most current version of Intellipoint, which did not help.

Make sure you have the latest video driver. I know - this always sounds like
nonsense, but for reasons known only to some guy with a long beard and
pointed ears who lives on a distant planet, it actually works sometimes.


You can boot to xp cd,recovery,press enter key for password,type:Disable /?
That gets you cmds,or simply type:Disable Then disable intellipoint.Type:
EXIT To terminate recovery.4.1 maybe older software,but its still good to
i think you might have other issues,try tapping F8 at starting
safe-mode with networking,open xp in administrative capacity,in xp chk event
viewer to see whats taking place.


Thank you very much.
Just last week I updated my Nvidia drivers.
Thank you for the help.


Thank you Andrew,
I will try this when I get home tonite. You have given me more direction
than I received from India (shoot me in the head please). I will let tyou
know what happens. Thanks again for your help, you are very kind to shar.

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