Computer freezes



I have Windows XP home SP-2 & IE7. I'm trying to nail this down, but recently,
on occasion, when I select a website the screen will go to white as if going to
the site, but then that's it. The computer is frozen to the point of even the
time won't roll over. The only way to get it going again is to turn it off then
back on, but I must boot with "The Ultimate Boot CD" so that I can run CHKDSK
from a command prompt, or if I don't, the computer will boot up until the blue
'welcome' screen appears, then loops back into a reboot.

This is driving me crazy, and I just went to the Computer Management event error
logs and I see a sequence of events. First the 'Warning' followed by the
"Error" as noted below. This has happened many many times in the recent past
and I'm wondering if someone can shed some light on this.


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: EventSystem
Event Category: (54)
Event ID: 4353
Date: 1/28/2008
Time: 4:57:03 PM
User: N/A
Computer: MEDIA-ROOM
The COM+ Event System attempted to fire the
EventObjectChange::ChangedSubscription event but received a bad return code.
HRESULT was 80040201.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: EventSystem
Event Category: (52)
Event ID: 4616
Date: 1/28/2008
Time: 4:57:03 PM
User: N/A
Computer: MEDIA-ROOM
The COM+ Event System caught an access violation at address 0x00000000 within
method ChangedSubscription of interface {F4A07D70-2E25-11D1-9964-00C04FBBB345}.
The method attempted to access address 0x00000000.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

BTW, those 'links' above go nowhere.

R. McCarty

I'd first look into the Add-ons that are hooked into Internet Explorer.
As a test case, use IE ( with no Add-ons ) and load any site that tends
to lock the system up. See if the page will load - if it does then you've
narrowed down the reason for the lock ups. Another helpful thing to
do with Add-ons is check the folder:
\Windows\Downloaded Program Files
Set the view to details. Check the column Status and make sure that
no add-ons show a status of "Damaged". If so, Right Click the entry
and choose Remove.


I'll try running IE without add-ons and see how long I can get by. I haven't
made note yet of sites that cause problems but I will. I looked at the folder
you mentioned and all that are there have a status of "Online".

I did take a look at the "Manage Add-ons" in IE. There aren't many under
'Add-ons currently loaded in IE', but under 'Add-ons that run without requiring
permission', the list is extensive. There are a few that 'aren't verified' but
I don't know how to get rid of them.

Thanks for your interest and help.


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