Computer acting very strange. Help needed



recently (within the past 2 months) when trying to boot my comp (xp
sp2) It would hang at the motherboard screen (where you select bios
ect...) The only way I could get past this screen was to unplug my
primary hdd. After unpluging c drive it would boot past the motherboard
screen and i could finally get to the bios options. In bios I noticed
that my primary boot device was set to floppy. I dont even have a
floppy installed in this machine. I changed the primary boot to hdd and
all is well again. Now ive never even had a reason to go into bios
before this so I know it isnt something i changed. Anyway about a month
goes by and it happens again today. This time the boot device hadnt
been changed. But the machine just didnt want to boot. I unplugged c
went to bios and looked around. Everything looked ok. I then exit and
save and finally the machine boots up.

Ive run check disk and the primary hdd seems ok. I have also ran about
10 different antivirus programs and everything seems fine there.

Thinking about just buying a new hdd.

Any suggestions?

R. McCarty

Consider changing the BIOS battery. Most motherboards take
an Energizer, 3-Volt model CR2032. Available on most battery
racks for a couple of dollars. Not difficult to change, but be
careful in removal/installing and note the Polarity on the battery.
Usually the side with the writing is the Positive terminal.


It's amazing how many computers are out there that have been thrown out or
regarded as stuffed, when all they needed was a new CMOS battery.


R. McCarty said:
Consider changing the BIOS battery. Most motherboards take
an Energizer, 3-Volt model CR2032. Available on most battery
racks for a couple of dollars. Not difficult to change, but be
careful in removal/installing and note the Polarity on the battery.
Usually the side with the writing is the Positive terminal.

OK i changed the battery on the mainboard and im still having the same
problems. If I had the money i would just kick the shit out of this
computer. Could my primary hdd be damaged? would that cause this to
happen? Any help would be great.


OK i changed the battery on the mainboard and im still having the same
problems. If I had the money i would just kick the shit out of this
computer. Could my primary hdd be damaged? would that cause this to
happen? Any help would be great.

I doubt it's the hard drive. It's probably the motherboard. Here are
some general hardware troubleshooting steps:

Testing hardware failures often involves swapping out suspected parts
with known-good parts. If you can't do the testing yourself and/or are
uncomfortable opening your computer, take the machine to a professional
computer repair shop (not your local equivalent of BigStoreUSA).



Malke said:
I doubt it's the hard drive. It's probably the motherboard. Here are
some general hardware troubleshooting steps:

Testing hardware failures often involves swapping out suspected parts
with known-good parts. If you can't do the testing yourself and/or are
uncomfortable opening your computer, take the machine to a professional
computer repair shop (not your local equivalent of BigStoreUSA).

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

Could a bad copy of windows cause this? Recently I bought a new case. I
transfered the motherboard and all of its components to the new case.
While I was at it my friend ask me if i wanted to upgrade from win 2000
to xp pro. Well come to find out its not a genuine copy of windows. I
never had this problem with the old case or windows 2000.

It seems strange to me cause sometimes the computer will boot normally
for 2 weeks and sometimes it will only boot for 2 days.

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