compromise Design patterns for multi threading


Jonathan Woods

I have a bridge windows service application that provide service for
two applications running on Oracle and SQL server 2000 respectively.
Oracle application has trip info and SQL application has GPS Log info.
My Application read trip, compare with Log and update GPS status back
to Oracle Application. I used producer object, work queue and consumer
object. My application must execute more or less 10000 jobs in queue
within in every 2 minute interval. Here is come to question I would
like to know, Is it safe and sound if I used foreground Threads for
each job in queue? How do I design application to do in time execution
if I used thread pooling offered from .NET framework? On the other
hand, I don't want to manage execution threads that need a lot of
ManualResetEvent objects. I was wondering your scalable design patterns
for scenario like this? Thanks in advance.

Jonathan Woods

Jobs have to execute one stored procedure ( I put all business logic
into one) and decide ReEnqueue or not based on outcoming result. Yes,
Jobs have to complete within 2 mintues for each round trip of queue.
And Jobs can vary over time.

In previous version, It has manager object and performance counter
object that try to assign jobs and control execution. I don't want to
use these overhead objects need to be created and destroyed. so, I
changed threadstart style.

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