Complicated formula help needed please


Alex H


Is it possible please to create a formula where
Sheet1!A2 = the count of Sheet2!C* where Sheet2!A*= Sheet1!A1 and Sheet2!B*
contains "String"





Apologies will try and explain better:
Sheet 2 contains data imported from an Access Spreadsheet and I am trying to
analyise this data on Sheet 1

Sheet1!A1 contains date field in mmm-yy format

Sheet2!Column A is a date field in mmm-yy format
Sheet2!Column B contains one of four string text fields
Sheet2!Column C contains a numberic value

I want to try and create a formula that will set Sheet1!B1 to the sum of
Sheet2!Column C where a) Sheet2!Column A is the same as Sheet1A1 and b)
Sheet2!Column B is equal to "Text1"

I will then simply replciate this formula across all four text string values
and this will give me the sums I need.

hope this is clearer

many thanks


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