Complex IF Functions



Hi Frank.

My initial table has 5 "goal" area labels located in Column A. Column
B, C, D & E have the actual goals for particular individuals (the goal
are different for each person).
Further down in each column by person's name, I have an achievemen
box, which contains the empirical data which is to be compared to th
individual's own goals in rows 2-6. (So for the person whose data is i
column E, right now his goals are in cells E2 through E6, and his actua
performance is located in E13.)
For example:
Chad John Mike Dave
Goal 1 100 120 130 100
Goal 2 150 170 180 150
Goal 3 200 220 230 200
Goal 4 250 270 280 250
Goal 5 300 320 330 300
Next Goal (The formulae would go here).
Actual Earn. 280 180 200 245

So, for Chad, the output in his "Next Goal" field would list as "Goa
5". For John, ideally his would return the value "Goal 3", for Mik
"Goal 3", and Dave would be "Goal 4".

If it's easier, I can list the current goal -- that isn't a big deal.
(ie. Mike's output would be "Goal 2", which is the data in the tex
cell A3 and the label associated with his level of performance).

Sorry for the long post, I figured detail might be more helpful :


B12, copied across:


...entered using CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Hope this helps

Frank Kabel

you already received some answers to this in your old
thread. Have you tried them?

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