Complaint about an MVP : how ?




I want to complain about behaviour of an MVP on his webpage.
This behaviour is antinomic to teh definition itself of "most valuable
person", since he behaves there not loyally to the user and gets him into
traps, wasting time.

Where should I address that complaint ?

This is serious.
If no mail adress will write to Bill Gates himself.
This man does not justify the MVP title.


/Pivert/ said:
I want to complain about behaviour of an MVP on his webpage.
This behaviour is antinomic to the definition itself of "most valuable
person", since he behaves there not loyally to the user and gets him into
traps, wasting time.

Where should I address that complaint ?

This is serious.
If no mail adress will write to Bill Gates himself.
This man does not justify the MVP title.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Just out of curiosity, what specific MVP and web-site do you take
issue? It may be a simple misunderstanding or language issue that
someone else can clear up.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


This page :

-- /MVP WindowsXP/

- On this page if you click on a link called 'programmes disponibles' ( 5th
one) you get trapped into a vicious procedure with many clicks to perform,
countdown and injurious text calling you an intruder, although there appears
a dialog to enter the login data and a cancel button ( 'annuler'). If you
click 'annuler' you aren't saved : your're trapped.
I have simply rapidly clicked on that link, and got there. Have not been
able to shutdown my IExplorer because had several others important opened
and did not know which one was the sad one.

I think an MVP should be respectfull of the users trying to learn. This one
isn't : he has directly considered me an intruder, and tried to 'punish' me.
That's not fair and I do not think should be tolerated. What's even worse,
is that when I have answered to ne mail he had posted in a newsgroup with
his link to his webpage, he only found usefull to laugh of my 'unaware'
behaviour ( not being able to close that page), not having seen the balloon
tip stating to get an authorization per email ( haven't seen it : have seen
the link, moved mouse over and clicked : too fast I imagine to see
anything). I have suggested to implement better webpage design : when
clicked and no valid password, simply eject. When 'cancel' clicked : nothing
to say !

His behaviour is silly and bad programming and not polite.

I think MVP means something or not. To me it means : knowledge; wanting to
share; respect to less performant users ( you all are less performant than
me in my own field).

I have felt agressed.

I want it to be known.

I think that webpage should apply "good programming practice"

It's the first time I ever explode. I do not like beeing treated that way.
That's it.


Pivert said:
This page :

-- /MVP WindowsXP/

- On this page if you click on a link called 'programmes disponibles' ( 5th
one) you get trapped into a vicious procedure with many clicks to perform,
countdown and injurious text calling you an intruder, although there appears
a dialog to enter the login data and a cancel button ( 'annuler'). If you
click 'annuler' you aren't saved : your're trapped.
I have simply rapidly clicked on that link, and got there. Have not been
able to shutdown my IExplorer because had several others important opened
and did not know which one was the sad one.

I second that - it's not particularly funny.
Hey ho - we all know the Belgians are only famous for mayonnaise on chips
(fries to our cousins over the pond) and a fictional detective......

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Well, I'll certainly agree that the color scheme and all of the
"flashing lights" are a bit over the top, but I don't think it can be
classified as offensive.

You mean the link that is clearly (and I only had a year of high
school French more than 30 years ago) marked as requiring specific
permission before accessing it? It seems to me that, if one ignores
the warning, one only deserves what one gets. You simply don't
appreciate the web-master's sense of humor, which I'll admit does
quickly wear on one. And I do agree that the Cancel button on the
Login dialog box _should_ allow one to exit gracefully, on the
off-chance that the warning wasn't clear enough to non-French
speakers. But it's unclear whether the failure of the Cancel button
is deliberate, or just bad coding.

One thing I completely fail to understand is how you can consider
the text of the multitudinous dialog boxes as "injurious". Some of
them are obviously intended to be insulting, but I do not see how mere
words can possibly cause injury - either the words are true, and
therefore merely descriptive, or they are false, and therefore
inapplicable. How does this injure a person?

On the whole, I'm afraid that I'd have to conclude that you're
over-reacting, but that's your prerogative.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Tedd Riggs

Whoa....That site has got to be one of the ugliest ones I have ever seen !
And the "Captain Jack" audio ? I don't read French, but don't think I want
to learn so I can use that site. The "Wal-Mart" of web sites <g>

Tedd Riggs
PDA Square Content Developer
Redmond, WA

Jim Carlock

Might be a reason to use FireFox to browse the web. It's
a free browser that works for the most part like IE and
behaves properly in most respects. I didn't have any
problem getting out if it's endless loop or whatever it was
you were experiencing.

It has been out for a year or two and I have been using
it consistantly over the last couple months. I am very much
impressed. It's open source and the guys putting it together
did a swell job.

The only thing though, is that I've heard that there are alot
of folks making themes and they all don't hold the same
dedication at throwing together a theme that others hold,
so to get a nice theme, you might have to experiment with
them. I have found the nautilus theme to be a very nice one.

Hope this helps.

Microsoft compromises network security with IE. So you
might want to keep that in mind when using Internet Explorer.

Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.

This page :

-- /MVP WindowsXP/

- On this page if you click on a link called 'programmes disponibles' ( 5th
one) you get trapped into a vicious procedure with many clicks to perform,
countdown and injurious text calling you an intruder, although there appears
a dialog to enter the login data and a cancel button ( 'annuler'). If you
click 'annuler' you aren't saved : your're trapped.
I have simply rapidly clicked on that link, and got there. Have not been
able to shutdown my IExplorer because had several others important opened
and did not know which one was the sad one.

I think an MVP should be respectfull of the users trying to learn. This one
isn't : he has directly considered me an intruder, and tried to 'punish' me.
That's not fair and I do not think should be tolerated. What's even worse,
is that when I have answered to ne mail he had posted in a newsgroup with
his link to his webpage, he only found usefull to laugh of my 'unaware'
behaviour ( not being able to close that page), not having seen the balloon
tip stating to get an authorization per email ( haven't seen it : have seen
the link, moved mouse over and clicked : too fast I imagine to see
anything). I have suggested to implement better webpage design : when
clicked and no valid password, simply eject. When 'cancel' clicked : nothing
to say !

His behaviour is silly and bad programming and not polite.

I think MVP means something or not. To me it means : knowledge; wanting to
share; respect to less performant users ( you all are less performant than
me in my own field).

I have felt agressed.

I want it to be known.

I think that webpage should apply "good programming practice"

It's the first time I ever explode. I do not like beeing treated that way.
That's it.


Ignoring supposes doing so with intention to do it.
A warning therafter should be sufficient.
Haven't read carefully I admit. But reacting as the site does is
overreacting in first place and I cannot consider it appropriate, nor
As for injurious, I didn't mean injuring but insulting. I am not
englishspeaking but germanspeaking.
All well done sites I have encountered have an exit allowed. 'Sense of
humour' as that one ( if it can be qualified such) has nothing to do on such
a page that labels itself made by an "MVP", or MVP doesn't mean anything

I can admit to not have read carefully enough. But this is the very first
time I encounter a webpage build by a serious man where such traps exists. I
doesn't have any sense.
I will continue to think that it is inappropriate. That man doesn't qualify
for MVP if he acts that way. Or MVP doesn't mean anything anymor to me.

There are places for traps,bad humour and such : these are places for
virus-makers, ad-awares, malwares and so on. Never good information, never
help pages.


( PS I am a physician. I do not useually overreact. But being handle that
way doesn't please me and will never. I don't like beeing treated as a lyer
/ thief or thelike)


Gordon said:
I second that - it's not particularly funny.
Hey ho - we all know the Belgians are only famous for mayonnaise on chips
(fries to our cousins over the pond) and a fictional detective......

Well, that's all *you* know. You're mono-lingual and omni-ignorant.

Jim Carlock

oOze pulls his best George Bush imitation and indicates:
Well, that's all *you* know. You're mono-lingual and

I've heard better insults from a chimp.

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