Compilation debug=false in web.config gives errors in application




I've recently found out that I'm supposed to set the debug attribute of the
compilation element in web.config to false in production environments. But
when I do so in my ASP.NET application, I get strange errors. Apparently, a
javascript file that I specify in the vb-code doesn't get called, I and when
I check the source sent to the browser, I can see that the call to the
javascript file is changed so that the filename is prefixed by an
underscore, see first line below. But not all calls are modified, see second
line below.

<script language=javascript src="./WebModules/Scripts/_UsrsDetail.js"

<script language='javascript'

The name of the script file failing is the same as the ascx-file calling it

What happens when I change the debug switch??




I've solved the problem. I use a base class for the ascx control loaded, and
in the page_load event I retrieved the name of the derived ascx by the
sender parameter which apparently got prefixed with an underscore when run
in non-debug mode.

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

_strUniqueName = sender.ToString.Replace("ASP.", "").Replace("_ascx",
"").Replace("_aspx", "")

Now I use this code instead and it works:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

_strUniqueName = Me.GetType.Name.Replace("_ascx", "")


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