Compare two worksheets using VBA in Microsoft Excel



I found and ran the code contained on the Joseph Rubin's
website. The tip is called "Compare two worksheets using VBA in
Microsoft Excel" and contains all the code. Buton running the code, I
had a problem. I fails to compile on execution on the record ...
Workbooks("workbook.xls").Worksheets("sheet") record. Error is
"subscript out of range." Not being an expert at this, I don't know
how to fix it. Anyone know how to fix this? Please email me as I am
in a big hurry to do this compare if you know what the issue

Tom Ogilvy

Replace Workbook.xls with the name of one of the workbooks and Sheet with
the name of the Sheet in that workbook.

I assume you will need to make a similar correction for the sheet being
compared to.

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