Compacting and Repair db1 copy



Hello - For some reason when we compact & repair databases in Access 2003.
The db1 version of the database does not get deleted. any thoughts??
Thanks Jennifer


I don't recall having seen this before.
Is this a front end on a user's computer or is the the back end on a server?
When you do the compact, are you certain the file is not open by anyone else?

You might try a decompile and recompile of the mdb.


I agree. Its driving me crazy. I will double check with our network guys to
verify security. But I think If i can delete within the directory im pretty
sure i have delete functionality.
The funny part about it too.. is that when we converted our access dbs from
97 - > 03, part of the coversion process made a duplicate copy mdb.db1 (which
im sure should not be.

They are all front end db's, yes certain there is no one else in database. I
know we are using virtual machines.. do you think that has anything to do
with it?

Thanks ;-)


I don't know about the virtual machine part, so I can't help with that.
If you are able to delete the db1, then that is not the problem.
When you upgraded from 97 to 2003, are you running in 2003 format? In other
words, did you upgrade the version of your mdb?

Go to this site and see if any of the info there will help:


We had 03 installed and opened up the 97 database in 03, then prompting us to
convert and save in new version. Thanks for the site, will check it out.. Im
leaning more towards it being a virtual thing..maybe we dont have delete
rights on the virtual machine or something.. will post if i find a solution..
Thanks for your help!

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