Compact and Repair with batch file


Peter Fossey

Mornin' all,

I'd like to make a batch file that compacts and repairs
all the databases I have.

I'm sure there is a command line switch to compact and
repair a database, but I can't remember what it is.

Could someone please refresh my memory and tell me what
the command line would be to do this?

Thanks for your help,



Just substitute the /decompile with your own switch

C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\MSAccess.exe /decompile C:\DB1.mdb


Douglas J. Steele

From the Help file:

/compact target database

Compacts the database specified before the /compact option and then closes
Microsoft Access. If you omit a target database name following the /compact
option, the database is compacted to the original database name and folder.
To compact to a different name, specify a target database. If you don't
include a path in target database, the database is created in your My
Documents folder by default.

You'd use this as

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSAccess.exe" "C:\MyDatabase.mdb"
/compact "C:\Backup.mdb"

I STRONGLY recommend you don't try to compact without a target database,
since your database will be hosed if something goes wrong.

What I typically do is rename the database, then compact the renamed
database to the original name. With intelligent renaming, you can keep

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