Compact and Repair Freezes



I have a large database that has grown to about 900 MB. I use compact and
repair every week after importing about 60,000 new records to a table. Last
week, compact and repair started hanging at about the 50% mark. It won't
finish the job. The database is working normally otherwise. I thought
perhaps, my main table had grown too large, so I made a copy, deleted many
old records and attempted to Compact and Repair. It was at this point that I
noticed that the failed attempt had grown to 2 Gig. Is this my problem? Is
the database growing to 2 gig and freezing? If so, what can I do? The last
backup that will compact is missing new records in several tables, so it
would be nice if I could fix the most current version.
Access 2003, XP, 2.40Ghz, 512 MB Ram
Dan Struhs

Wayne Morgan

Make a copy of the file to work with. On the copy, try using the JetComp
utility to see if it will do the job. If not, then there is either something
wrong with the database file or insufficient resources on the computer to
handle the large file during compact. For information on handling the
corruption see these links:

To download the JetComp utility, see this link:;en-us;295334

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