command for searching pcs on network


Jan Springer

I am looking for a command that i can run from my server
to search pc's on the network for specific files. We
have over 400 pc's so one at a time is very tedious.

thank you

Jerold Schulman

I am looking for a command that i can run from my server
to search pc's on the network for specific files. We
have over 400 pc's so one at a time is very tedious.

thank you

If you built a file of computer names (like mycomputers.txt), you could

for /f "Tokens=*" %%c in (mycomputers.txt) do :search %%c
Exit /b 0
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('dir \\%1\*.* /s^|Findstr "the file") do (
whatever you want to do when it is found

I'm sure an even better way could be found if you specified exactly what you
were looking for and what you do when you find it.

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

Matt Hickman

If you built a file of computer names (like mycomputers.txt), you could

for /f "Tokens=*" %%c in (mycomputers.txt) do :search %%c

Rather than maintaining a list, it may be easier to put
all the computer accounts into group and and enumerating them
using a "net group" command. I think this would more likely be

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