Command Failed To Execute


Leary Sooter

When i installed IE 8 as part of a Windows update I now have a problem
opening pictures and other attachments in Winmail. I note that everyone
appears to be having a problem with this update. If it does not work, it
needs to be removed from the updates for Windows Vista. Vista is enough of a
pain without adding to it.


How about go back to Windows Update > left column, Change Settings > select
" Check for updates but ........" > OK.
What that does is that you have to decide whether to install or not. You
will have a chance to ask for opinions in the appropriate newsgroup before
you decide.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

WinMail Tools | Options | Security | Block images and... <=does unchecking
this option fix it?


I was concentrating my response on the OP's complaint about WM Update Center
offering IE8 for update while it appears IE8 does not work. It appears also
that the OP has the " auto updating/installing " enabled. My suggestion is
to allow the OP to have a " 2nd opinion " before installing.
Based on all the threads I had read so far, there has yet to have a " fix "
for the IE8 problem other than " pseudo workaround." Uninstalling is still
the only alternative that I have heard.


Another person, named Silverhawk, came up with the correct solution (in a
different thread). It appears that an automatic update of Windows Mail
caused the link used to open Windows Mail to not work properly. Delete the
link, and then create a new one from the basic program in the Start "All
Programs" menu. Here's how Silverhawk describes it:

I noticed that if I start windows mail from
the IE8 browser, then it appears to work ok. But if I start windows mail from
the start menu, that is when I have problems. With that all said. I went to
the start menu and removed the shortcut from the start menu, then I went to
the applacation source and started the program from there, and tried it again.
And everything seems to be working fine. I then re-pinned it back into the
start menu.


Would you please be able to tell me exactly how you did the steps that
"Silverhawk" came up with? I was able to open my PDF file once I opened the
email program thru IE8, but how do you create a new link? Thanks!

Gary VanderMolen

There are actually several different types of attachment issues.
Before we can help you, you need to tell us, what is the exact error
message you get when you attempt to open a PDF attachment?

Rainald Taesler

Emilio2000 said:
Another person, named Silverhawk, came up with the correct solution
(in a different thread). It appears that an automatic update of
Windows Mail caused the link used to open Windows Mail to not work
properly. Delete the link, and then create a new one from the basic
program in the Start "All Programs" menu. Here's how Silverhawk
describes it:

I noticed that if I start windows mail from
the IE8 browser, then it appears to work ok. But if I start windows
mail from the start menu, that is when I have problems. With that all
said. I went to the start menu and removed the shortcut from the
start menu, then I went to the applacation source and started the
program from there, and tried it again. And everything seems to be
working fine. I then re-pinned it back into the start menu.

It only SEEMS to work.
What's done this way is nothing else but my workaround (often posted by
Gary) to edit the "Start in:" path in the standard shortcut.

Mist types if files will work. But the problem is persistent with JPG
and TXT files.
Try these.
You may send a test mail with TXT and JPG attachments to yourself.
Test it several times, the problem may take a while until it appears.



The error message that I get when I tried to open the PDF attachment was:
"The Command Failed To Execute". Thanks for your help!


Thank you Emilio2000, your tip did the trick for me and now my attachments in
Windows Mail are opening up again. I totally HATE IE8 and still don't like
Vista. Can't wait until Microsoft presents me with my free upgrade to
Windows 7 this fall and am sure hoping that all the lousy kinks are finally
worked out.

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