Command Button to populate locked text boxes?



Hey all! I have a form in which has multiple text boxes containing salesman
information. I've placed a combo box on that form to display the salesman
IDnumber, LastName, FirstName, and MiddleInitial. How can I use the textbox
to select the salesman I want and in when doing so, have the system populate
all the remaining textboxes on the form? Does this make sense?



If the text boxes are *bound* to table fields, and assuming that one of
them is bound to the IDnumber field, then it's just a matter of finding
the matching record. For this method you would use an *unbound* combo
box, probably in the form header. In the After Update event of your
combo box you would code;

With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[IDNumber]=" & Me.MyCombo
If Not .NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With

If the text boxes on your form are *unbound*, then you could add
all the necessary fields to the rowsource of your combo box (make
the width 0 if you don't want the users to see the columns) and
refer to them using the Column method like;

Me![SomeTextBox] = Me![MyCombo].Column(2)
Me![SomeOtherTextBox] = Me![MyCombo].Column(3)
etc., etc.


Hey all!  I have a form in which has multiple text boxes containing salesman
information.  I've placed a combo box on that form to display the salesman
IDnumber, LastName, FirstName, and MiddleInitial.  How can I use the textbox
to select the salesman I want and in when doing so, have the system populate
all the remaining textboxes on the form?  Does this make sense?


push or pull methods.
in the after update event of the combobox, you could set the value of
each to a column in your combobox.

Column#, Field
0, IDNumber
1, LastName
2, FirstName
3, Middleinitial

Then the textbox for LastName would have as it's controlsource
and so on.

If you go the other way, you have to write code to scatter the values.


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