command button problem


steve a

I've got a slight problem with a command button,
I want it to add a character into a combo box as you would with a key stroke
on the keyboard.
the code i use at the moment does this, however it doesn't auto complete,
but it does when i use the keyboard!
the code i'm using for the button's are:

Private Sub cmdKeyQ_Click()
lngCurPos = mlngSelStart
With Me.combo
If CapLockOn = True Then
Me.combo = Me.combo & Chr(81)
Me.combo = Me.combo & Chr(113)
End If
.SelStart = lngCurPos + 1
End With
lngLength = Len(Me.combo)
SetCurMoveOptions lngCurPos, lngLength
End Sub

i used to use "q" but changed this to use the chr () funciton thinking this
might be the problem but unfortunately the same result.
many thanks

Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 02:04:00 -0800, steve a

Chr(113) and "q" are equivalent, so you should not expect a difference
This may be one of those few cases where I would use SendKeys. Try it

Microsoft Access MVP

steve a

hi Tom
Me.combo = Me.combo & SendKeys("q", [false])
in place of the previous code,
however it returns a compile error:
expected function or variable.

Still a newby in VB code. where do i go from here?
Many thanks

Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 08:36:24 -0800, steve a

More something like:
SendKeys("q", [false])

Microsoft Access MVP

steve a

Hi tom thanks for that..
I've tried it out. capital letters are not required so just got rid of the
if statment
my code now shows

Private Sub cmdKeyQ_Click()

SendKeys("q", [false])

End Sub

but i now get a syntax error!
sorry to keep bugging you with error's... just never used send keys before !
Many thanks

steve adlam

Tom van Stiphout said:
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 08:36:24 -0800, steve a

More something like:
SendKeys("q", [false])

Microsoft Access MVP
hi Tom
Me.combo = Me.combo & SendKeys("q", [false])
in place of the previous code,
however it returns a compile error:
expected function or variable.

Still a newby in VB code. where do i go from here?
Many thanks

Tom van Stiphout

On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 01:24:01 -0800, steve a

No bother at all. I wrote the original code too quickly. Here is a
better version:
SendKeys "q", [false]

Microsoft Access MVP

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