Combo Box Selection to Open Subform



I have a form with a combo box called "Number of Locations:" that allows me to select from 1-10 locations.

What would I need to do to have the selection open a subform to allow entries for the number of locations entered?

If 1 selected see the following -
Location1 Address:
Location1 City:

If 2 selected see the following -
Location1 Address:
Location1 City:

Location2 Address:
Location2 City:

And so on. There are more fields for the address but I can add those later if you can me with the basics.


You could do this by building a Form that had the Max
number of entry fields on it bound to appropriate fields
and depending on what number is selected you make those
text boxes visible.

But that is not the right way because as soon as you do it
that way you find you will need 11 choices rather than 10.

So those entries should go into a separate table and they
could be entered via a subform. You could limit the number
of subtable entries by changing the subform
property "Allow Additions" to False after the number of
entries has been achieved"
-----Original Message-----
I have a form with a combo box called "Number of
Locations:" that allows me to select from 1-10 locations.
What would I need to do to have the selection open a
subform to allow entries for the number of locations
If 1 selected see the following -
Location1 Address:
Location1 City:

If 2 selected see the following -
Location1 Address:
Location1 City:

Location2 Address:
Location2 City:

And so on. There are more fields for the address but I
can add those later if you can me with the basics.

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