combo box list based on the selection in another combo box



I have a form in which I have two combo boxes. The first combo selects a
clients office. The second combo selects a clients name that works in the

Is there a way to make the second combo box list just the people in the
office selected in the first combo box?

presently the lists of offices and clients are in seperate unrelated tables.

Thanks! I would appreciate any help on this.


This link will show you one method

Another way will be
In the RowSource of the second combo you can create a reference to the first

Select Field1 From TableNAme Where Field2 = Forms![FormName]![Combo1Name]

On the after update event of the first combo you run the code to refresh the
list in the second combo



Your Awesome! I used your solution and it worked. thanks!

Now I am having a problem with the second combo box. I need to allow the
user to add an item that isn't in the list.

I created a maco that opens a form with a txt box control and a command
button to add the record and requery the list (which is based on the
selection in the first combo box).

here is the code and the err message. Neither the table or the list gets

Private Sub CmdAddID_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdAddID_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdAddID_Click

End Sub

Err: You can't use the GoToRecord action or method on a object in Design view

Ofer Cohen said:
This link will show you one method

Another way will be
In the RowSource of the second combo you can create a reference to the first

Select Field1 From TableNAme Where Field2 = Forms![FormName]![Combo1Name]

On the after update event of the first combo you run the code to refresh the
list in the second combo


Good Luck

Marianne said:
I have a form in which I have two combo boxes. The first combo selects a
clients office. The second combo selects a clients name that works in the

Is there a way to make the second combo box list just the people in the
office selected in the first combo box?

presently the lists of offices and clients are in seperate unrelated tables.

Thanks! I would appreciate any help on this.


Hi Marianne
Try this link on how to add an item to a combo

Good Luck

Marianne said:
Your Awesome! I used your solution and it worked. thanks!

Now I am having a problem with the second combo box. I need to allow the
user to add an item that isn't in the list.

I created a maco that opens a form with a txt box control and a command
button to add the record and requery the list (which is based on the
selection in the first combo box).

here is the code and the err message. Neither the table or the list gets

Private Sub CmdAddID_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdAddID_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdAddID_Click

End Sub

Err: You can't use the GoToRecord action or method on a object in Design view

Ofer Cohen said:
This link will show you one method

Another way will be
In the RowSource of the second combo you can create a reference to the first

Select Field1 From TableNAme Where Field2 = Forms![FormName]![Combo1Name]

On the after update event of the first combo you run the code to refresh the
list in the second combo


Good Luck

Marianne said:
I have a form in which I have two combo boxes. The first combo selects a
clients office. The second combo selects a clients name that works in the

Is there a way to make the second combo box list just the people in the
office selected in the first combo box?

presently the lists of offices and clients are in seperate unrelated tables.

Thanks! I would appreciate any help on this.

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