Combo Box Issues



I am relatively new to Access:

I am trying to do two things:

Use 'other' in a combo box list and have it open a text box where someone
can enter free text and have the entry be stored under the same heading

Have a combo box selection that will continue to open additional combo boxes
(up to 4) until somebody selects the 'none' option, then it will move to the
next data entry.

Any and all help would be appreciated -- I know these are simple questions
but I am trying to teach myself!!!

Carl Rapson

Clubber Land said:
I am relatively new to Access:

I am trying to do two things:

Use 'other' in a combo box list and have it open a text box where someone
can enter free text and have the entry be stored under the same heading

Have a combo box selection that will continue to open additional combo
(up to 4) until somebody selects the 'none' option, then it will move to
next data entry.

Any and all help would be appreciated -- I know these are simple questions
but I am trying to teach myself!!!

1. Not sure what you mean by "stored under the same heading", but to prompt
the user for text use the InputBox method in the combo box's AfterUpdate

If Me.cboComboBox = "Other" Then
txtTextVariable = InputBox("Prompt", "Title", "Default value")
End If

2. For this, I would disable all but the the first combo box. Then, in each
combo box's AfterUpdate event, enable the next combo box in the series if
"none" wasn't selected:

If Me.cboThisComboBox <> "none" Then
Me.cboNextComboBox.Enabled = True
End If

Carl Rapson

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