Combining tables in Access



I have two tables in Access that i want to combine, but the issue is they
have unique columns with some shared columns that i need to combine so that
in the final product the shared columns combined and the unique comlumns
alined with them or "reconciled"
Can this be done?

Jeff Boyce


If you were describing this task to someone doing this manually, how would
you tell them that the records in the two tables were related. That is, how
do you know that, say, record 3 in Table1 is the same record as record 17 in


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner


Well Jeff, this is table databasing accidents, table 1 has a lot more fields
(columns?) then table 2. But all these accidents that we are logging we
assign a unique Id# number to. Seeing that we only need one field (column)
from table 2 I was hoping to match the records (lines) with the ID# and
adding that one column to from 2 to 1.
I guess to more specifically answer you question, we match them off the
unique ID# number, date, and name of person that had the accident. Remember
though the ID# is the ONLY unique Identifier.
Does that answer your question Jeff?

Jeff Boyce


If you create a new query, add both tables, and join them on the ID fields,
you should be able to add fields from both tables. If you need to update a
(?new) field in Table1 from the corresponding value in Table2, you could do
this by changing your query to an update query.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

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